Hello ALL! long hot summer, take a look at “google earth” , input Greenland Ice Sheet to see the latest .

On with the tidbit. The contractor wins the job to remove TSI and Surfacing (Class 1, work under 1926.1101)
He sends in the 10 day notification form to the local DEP as required under the Neshap, 61 .145 (M)
Prior to beginning, He studied the job (Initial exposure assessment) and decides to put his people into “Type C” PP,PD with a SCBA tank also in PP-PD on hip for this removal.
WHY? lettuce # the answers
- He had NO current negative exposure assessment .
- Osha regulations state respiratory protection will be selected after reducing or eliminating the danger, via engineering controls.
- His initial exposure assessment of this job indicates the exposures during gross removal will be >1F/CC after all engineering controls are in place.
- He can certainly down grade when the required daily Osha monitoring of ALL tasks indicates either negative or at or below 1F/CC as an 8 hour TWA ….. Above 1F/CC & Class1 work & no NEA, he MUST be in the highest level (1926.1101, respiratory selection.)
So U understand everything above?? if yes call and wish me a Happy BDay on the 19th of September.
Something here U don’t understand… Call me immediately, wish me a happy BDay before the 19th and get the answers U need!!
Taking a refresher in the future??? STOP!! & go to asbestoschool.com and click on any of these…Supervisor,Inspector,Planner and Project Designer refreshers follow the prompts. YES!! ON-Line.
We now accept Government Credit Cards thru a special account we set up at Regions Bank nationwide.
Want to come to the classroom? no problem, just call and let me know when U want a class.
Seeya in Class Vern