Hello All!

One would guess we need the rain and snow to replenish the aquifers and lakes for the nations water supplies… Tampa may have the answer with its latest de-sal plant… 25 million gallons per day with cost over runs that went into the hundreds of millions… reverse osmosis may be the answer but at what expense?
On with the tidbit…last month I stated the Osha ‘S Pel was .01 f/cc as an 8 hour TWA …
Not one soul out there picked this up … The Osha Pel is .1 f/cc! and U had a chance to crash at Ole Vern…
Based on .1 f/cc the Supervisor as well as the Project Designer will check on what material will give off or emit fibers BEFORE the removal process begins and then install the four engineering controls… then apply respiratory protection for the removal people. According to OSHA’s 1926.1101 , this is the way things are done.
Each respirator has a Number issued by Niosh and that # multiplied by Osha’s PEL will result in the Maximum Use Concentration for that mask. For class one work, if the competent person estimates the fiber count to be at or less than 1f/cc the mask MUST be the PAPR… Not understood?? Come on down and sit a spell at my classroom… I will show ya where it is at in the Federal Regulations My classes are not opinions they are facts from the feds! (and there is always a bit of humor injected into the subject matter.
See ya in class